August 1, 2018

Just like any other aspect and appliance in your home, air ducts can accumulate dust and dirt that can cause allergies and other medical conditions. With this, it is highly important to have your air ducts cleaned and maintained to prevent such events from occurring. However, one important question is: When should you have your air ducts cleaned?
According to the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA), there is a lot of reasons and factors that contribute to poor indoor air quality. Some of these are:
- the presence of pets
- cigarette or tobacco smoke
- home renovation activities
- water contamination
- poor outdoor air quality
With this, it is important to avail a professional service from a reliable air duct cleaning LV company to ensure that your air ducts are working well and improve the indoor air quality. In order to protect the people who are more sensitive to contaminants and those who suffer from allergies and asthma, it is important to have your air ducts cleaned according to the following recommendations by NADCA:
- Upon moving in to a new home or establishment
- Every 3 to 5 years
- After your new home or establishment is constructed—it is highly likely that the air ducts will have debris and dust from the construction phase
- After a home or establishment is remodeled to remove dust, dirt, and debris
- After a pest infestation such as rodents, squirrels, insects, and mice
- You suspect that mold has formed in the air ducts
- If you noticed that your filters easily become dirty despite changing it on a regular basis.
A clean air duct ensures that the indoor air quality is at its best state and helps ensure a healthy environment for dwellers or occupants. For fast and effective completion of this task, it is highly recommended to hire an experienced professional to maintain this valuable component of your home or establishment. Not only will you be able to save time and energy, but experience cost-savings as well because you wouldn’t have to buy the necessary equipment and cleaning materials.